as found
A couple of friends
picked this up for me from a seller in New Jersey and shipped it to me.
It made it here, surviving without any
damage. The condition is pretty much what it looks like in the photo
it's condition
The chrome on the main cabinet
is in very good condition, I think it's fine, with the exception of the
top coin slot casting.
That casting has some small pitting,
from a distance not very noticeable but I will have it re-done after I
get the metal back for the continental 2.
The buttons have faded along with the
paint on the front, this will be addressed.
A number of lights are burned out, or missing, they are
type 47's , which are very common.
Two of those lights are located inside
the casting where the coin slot is located.
The coin glass is in good shape, just needs cleaning.
The front plastic (not glass) which is what it should have I've been
told, is in good shape, (will need polishing).
The title pages have some corrosion,
and will be removed for cleaning and polishing.. more on this
The trim plate on the bottom has a few
large gouges in it from the title pages adjusted incorrectly (too low)
All mechanical parts inside are there, that's a relief as parts for
these wall boxes are pretty rare.
The only exception is that one button from another AMI model wall
box replaced an original, seen on the right it's gray instead of white.
Moving ahead
Right off the bat there is an issue with the cabinet lock. I
had a lot of trouble getting the wall box open to evaluate it.
I was beginning to think it had the wrong key, it finally opened. I
pulled the lock out , and pulled it apart.
I think the casing had started to oxidize causing it to bind. I
polished the interior of the shell casing and lightly oiled it.
It now works and was re-installed.

A few things about
these pages, first, facing pages do not follow the the letter number
Example -The first page on the left top title is A1 on the right L1,
the next page flip A2 on the left and L2 on the right.
UPDATE: The lettering setup is for a Seeburg,
not the Continental
The page's should be in sequence A1 on left then A11 on right and so on.
That small area below the last title strip on each page
is for a
category or saying label. I have restored the single type used
in this wallbox. However I have seen the wallbox came with a selection
of different choices for this slot.
I am trying find originals and get scans of them.
The other thing about the title pages that is unusual is that the pages
themselves are part of the selection process.
Each page position is detected by switches under the page bottoms,
along with the buttons on the sides determine the correct record
The entire title page assy is removed with a single latch located on
the back bottom area and by tilting the bottom rearward..
Removing individual or multiple title pages can be very
challenging, due to how they are mounted
The base plate trim on
wallbox has some deep grooves in the aluminum from the title page
bottom pins.
(I have ordered a replacement from a vendor in the Netherlands)
It's important that plate be completely flat or the base plate
will be damaged
If the plate is flat and the pages still touch the plate, the pages
will have to be adjusted and moved up.
As explained before this can be a difficult job

On the
left, the front window has been polished
along with the cabinet, plus lettering has been repainted and
button revived
On the right as found

The image on top is the label in the wallbox at the back bottom
as found.
Below it is a replica created to replace it, without the
discoloration and damage.

Above on the left is the orientation of a 3 wire connection on the CCC
stepper in the Continental 2 on the right the connections to the WQ-200

This is the Cinch Jones style plug used to connect the chassis to DC
power and the above 3 wire connection.
This plug allows the mechanism to be removed from the wallbox cabinet.
I intend to make a detachable cable to connect the wallbox to the
jukebox using the same style connectors.

Cinch Jones S303-CTT P303-CCT
3 Pin Connector Set
I have purchased 2 sets of these Cinch Jones connectors to create the
detachable cable for use with the wall box and the jukebox's CCC
This is part of a sheet
showing the "AMI related auxiliaries "